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The past 2 days
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Data and analyses
Common Shelduck 2025
Common Loon 24-25
Pygmy Cormorant 24-25
Western Marsh Harrier 24-25
Eurasian Skylark 24-25
Cetti's Warbler 24-25
Corn Bunting 24-25
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Species partially hidden
The following species are protected by the system automatically and marked as "protected observation" at least for parts of the year or in some areas. You cannot manually remove the protection for these species in the times indicated. Observations outside these periods and observations of any other taxon, you can manually protect (and remove the protection again). Make use of it, if you are concerned that through your publication the (breeding) occurrence or area might be disturbed or threatened. Protected observations are marked by a yellow key (visible with your own observations). They are only visible to users with extended rights for a region or a species (administrators, species specialists).
Species :
Data from following species are automatically hidden :
Alpine Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra)
partial restriction of publication between the September 1st and the October 31st
 Brown Bear (Ursus arctos)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
 Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
 European Otter (Lutra lutra)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
 Golden Jackal (Canis aureus)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
 Harvest Mouse (Micromys minutus)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Red Deer (Cervus elaphus)
partial restriction of publication between the September 1st and the October 31st
 Wild Cat (Felis silvestris)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
 Wolf (Canis lupus)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st