Ornitho.ch is the official information centre for ornithologists in Switzerland and its border regions, supported by the Swiss Ornithological Institute, Nos Oiseaux, Ficedula and Ala, in collaboration with info fauna. The platform is managed by a national steering committee, whose members are listed here. To ensure high data quality, the steering group is supported by validators with extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of the avifauna in their region. They review the records and ask the observers for feedback in case of doubt. Technical developments are coordinated in an international steering group consisting of members of all ornitho portals.
If you have technical problems or questions about using ornitho.ch, you can find support in the menue "Information" > "Help" or contact support@ornitho.ch.
For data requests, contact either InfoSpecies (multiple taxa) or data@vogelwarte.ch (birds only). More on this in our guidelines.