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Common Shelduck 2025
Common Loon 24-25
Pygmy Cormorant 24-25
Western Marsh Harrier 24-25
Eurasian Skylark 24-25
Cetti's Warbler 24-25
Corn Bunting 24-25
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  • NaturaList on holidays
    NaturaList on holidays
  • Reporting mammals, amphibians, dragonflies...
    Reporting mammals, amphibians, dragonflies...
  • Waxing Gibbous
    Bern, Friday, February 7th, 2025
    Waxing Gibbous (9 days)
    Moonrise at 12h01 and moonset at 4h11
    Sun : sunrise at 07h45 and sunset at 17h43
    Day : dawn at 07h13 and dusk at 18h15
ornitho.ch is the official birding exchange platform in Switzerland, supported by “Nos Oiseaux”, the “Swiss Ornithological Institute”, “Ala” and “Ficedula”, in collaboration with info fauna. It is dedicated to all birdwatchers of Switzerland and the neighboring regions. Please note that the supporting organizations assume no liability on the observation published on this platform and that the reproduction, distribution and utilization of any pictures and soundtracks published on this platform, without the explicit permission of their authors, is prohibited. Send your data requests to data@vogelwarte.ch; for any other request please contact support@ornitho.ch.

EBP demo viewer EBP demo viewer

ornitho.ch is the official birding exchange platform in Switzerland, supported by “Nos Oiseaux”, the “Swiss Ornithological Institute”, “Ala” and “Ficedula”, in collaboration with info fauna. It is dedicated to all birdwatchers of Switzerland and the neighboring regions. Please note that the supporting organizations assume no liability on the observation published on this platform and that the reproduction, distribution and utilization of any pictures and soundtracks published on this platform, without the explicit permission of their authors, is prohibited. Send your data requests to data@vogelwarte.ch; for any other request please contact support@ornitho.ch.

EBP demo viewer EBP demo viewer