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Data and analyses
Common Shelduck 2025
Common Loon 24-25
Pygmy Cormorant 24-25
Western Marsh Harrier 24-25
Eurasian Skylark 24-25
Cetti's Warbler 24-25
Corn Bunting 24-25
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Instructions & Tips
Identification tips
Long-tailed Tit
Terra incognita
Breeding Bird Atlas : Specie chart
[Download the mesh for GoogleEarth]
Acrocephalus-Warbler, unidentified
African Sacred Ibis
Alexandrine Parakeet
Alpine Accentor
Alpine Chough
Alpine Swift
Alpine Willow Tit
Anser-Goose, unidentified
Aquatic Warbler
Arctic Tern
Ashy-headed Yellow Wagtail (ssp. cinereocapilla)
Baillon's Crake
Bar-headed Goose
Barn Swallow
Barnacle Goose
Barred Warbler
Bearded Reedling
Bird, unidentified
Black Grouse
Black Kite
Black Redstart
Black Swan
Black Woodpecker
Black-headed Bunting
Black-headed Gull
Black-headed Yellow Wagtail (ssp. feldegg)
Black-necked Grebe
Black-tailed Godwit
Black-throated Loon
Black-winged Kite
Black-winged Stilt
Blue Rock Thrush
Blue-headed Yellow Wagtail (ssp. flava)
Blyth's Reed Warbler
Boreal Owl
Cackling Goose
Calandra Lark
Canada Goose
Carrion / Hooded Crow
Carrion Crow
Caspian Gull
Caspian Tern
Cetti's Warbler
Chestnut Teal
Chiloe Wigeon
Chukar Partridge
Cirl Bunting
Citril Finch
Coal Tit
Collared Flycatcher
Common / Arctic Tern
Common / Lesser Redpoll
Common Blackbird
Common Buzzard
Common Chiffchaff
Common Cuckoo
Common Eider
Common Firecrest
Common Goldeneye
Common Grasshopper Warbler
Common Greenshank
Common Gull
Common Kestrel
Common Kingfisher
Common Linnet
Common Loon
Common Merganser
Common Moorhen
Common Nightingale
Common Pheasant
Common Pochard
Common Quail
Common Redshank
Common Redstart
Common Reed Bunting
Common Reed Warbler
Common Ringed Plover
Common Rock Thrush
Common Rosefinch
Common Sandpiper
Common Shelduck
Common Snipe
Common Starling
Common Swift
Common Tern
Common Whitethroat
Common Wood Pigeon
Corn Bunting
Corn Crake
Crested Tit
Dartford Warbler
Domestic Duck
Domestic Goose
Domestic Muscovy Duck
Duck hybrid, unidentified
Egyptian Goose
Emperor Goose
Eurasian Bittern
Eurasian Blackcap
Eurasian Blue Tit
Eurasian Bullfinch
Eurasian Chaffinch
Eurasian Collared Dove
Eurasian Coot
Eurasian Crag Martin
Eurasian Curlew
Eurasian Golden Oriole
Eurasian Goshawk
Eurasian Hobby
Eurasian Hoopoe
Eurasian Jay
Eurasian Magpie
Eurasian Nuthatch
Eurasian Oystercatcher
Eurasian Penduline Tit
Eurasian Pygmy Owl
Eurasian Reed / Marsh Warbler
Eurasian Scops Owl
Eurasian Siskin
Eurasian Skylark
Eurasian Sparrowhawk
Eurasian Spoonbill
Eurasian Teal
Eurasian Teal / Garganey
Eurasian Three-toed Woodpecker
Eurasian Tree Sparrow
Eurasian Treecreeper
Eurasian Whimbrel
Eurasian Wigeon
Eurasian Woodcock
Eurasian Wren
Eurasian Wryneck
European Bee-eater
European Goldfinch
European Green Woodpecker
European Greenfinch
European Honey Buzzard
European Nightjar
European Pied Flycatcher
European Robin
European Roller
European Serin
European Stonechat
European Turtle Dove
Falcon, unidentified
Feral Rock Dove
Ferruginous Duck
Garden Warbler
Glossy Ibis
Golden Pheasant
Goose hybrid, unidentified
Great Cormorant
Great Crested Grebe
Great Grey Shrike
Great Reed Warbler
Great Snipe
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Great Tit
Greater Scaup
Green Sandpiper
Greenish Warbler
Grey Heron
Grey Partridge
Grey Wagtail
Grey-headed Woodpecker
Grey-headed Yellow Wagtail (ssp. thunbergi)
Greylag Goose
Griffon Vulture
Harrier, unidentified
Hazel Grouse
Hooded Crow
House Finch
House Sparrow
Hybrid Black Redstart x Common
Hybrid Canada x Barnacle Goose
Hybrid Carrion x Hooded Crow
Hybrid Italian x House Sparrow
Hybrid Mallard x Red-crested Pochard
Hybrid Red-backed x Woodchat Shrike
Hybrid Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse
Iberian Chiffchaff
Icterine Warbler
Indian Spot-billed Duck
Italian Sparrow
Jack Snipe
Japanese Quail
Kentish Plover
Large Gull, unidentified
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Lesser Grey Shrike
Lesser Redpoll
Lesser Spotted Eagle
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
Lesser Whitethroat
Little Bittern
Little Bunting
Little Crake
Little Grebe
Little Gull
Little Owl
Little Ringed Plover
Little Stint
Long-eared Owl
Long-tailed Tit
Long-tailed Tit (ssp. caudatus); White-headed
Mandarin Duck
Marsh Tit
Marsh Warbler
Meadow Pipit
Mediterranean Gull
Melodious Warbler
Middle Spotted Woodpecker
Mistle Thrush
Monk Parakeet
Mute Swan
Northern Bald Ibis
Northern Lapwing
Northern Nutcracker
Northern Pintail
Northern Raven
Northern Shoveler
Northern Wheatear
Ortolan Bunting
Pallid Swift
Passerine, unidentified
Peregrine Falcon
Pied Avocet
Pied Wagtail (ssp. yarrellii)
Pygmy Cormorant
Raptor, unidentified
Red Avadavat
Red Crossbill
Red Kite
Red-backed Shrike
Red-billed Chough
Red-breasted Merganser
Red-crested Pochard
Red-footed Falcon
Red-legged Partridge
Red-necked Grebe
Red-throated Loon
Red-throated Pipit
Ring Ouzel
Ringed Teal
Rock Bunting
Rock Partridge
Rock Ptarmigan
Rose-ringed Parakeet
Rosy Starling
Ruddy Duck
Ruddy Shelduck
Sand Martin
Sardinian Warbler
Savi's Warbler
Sedge Warbler
Short-eared Owl
Short-toed Treecreeper
Siberian Chiffchaff
Song Thrush
South African Shelduck
Spotted Crake
Spotted Flycatcher
Spotted Redshank
Squacco Heron
Stock Dove
Subalpine Warbler, unidentified
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
Swift, unidentified
Tawny Owl
Tawny Pipit
Thrush, unidentified
Tree Pipit
Tufted Duck
Velvet Scoter
Vinous-throated Parrotbill
Water Pipit
Water Rail
Western Barn Owl
Western Bonelli's Warbler
Western Capercaillie
Western Cattle Egret
Western House Martin
Western Jackdaw
Western Marsh Harrier
Western Subalpine Warbler
Western Swamphen
Western Yellow Wagtail
Western Yellow Wagtail (ssp. flavissima / lutea)
Whiskered Tern
White / Pied Wagtail (ssp. alba / yarrellii)
White Stork
White Wagtail
White-cheeked Pintail
White-throated Dipper
White-winged Snowfinch
Willow Tit (ssp. rhenanus / salicarius)
Willow Tit (unspecified)
Willow Warbler
Wood Duck
Wood Sandpiper
Wood Warbler
Yellow-legged Gull
Rock Ptarmigan
(Lagopus muta)
Specie chart
When watch
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